FIREMAN team organized a Special Session on the "Interplay between communication and computation in wireless-empowered smart grids", co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids, 25–28 October 2022, Singapore.

More information can be found here:

Special Session Organizers:

Pedro H. J. Nardelli, LUT University & University of Oulu, Finland

Constantinos Papadias, The American College of Greece, Greece

Charalampos Kalalas, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain


List of papers/Technical presentations:

1. Edge Computing supported Fault Indication in Smart Grid

Petra Raussi, Jorma Kilpi, Heli Kokkoniemi-Tarkkanen, Anna Kulmala and Petri Hovila

2. Near Real-Time Distributed State Estimation via AI/ML-Empowered 5G Networks

Ognjen Kundacina, Miodrag Forcan, Mirsad Cosovic, Darijo Raca, Merim Dzaferagic, Dragiša Mišković, Mirjana Maksimovic and Dejan Vukobratović

 3. Integration of LSTM based Model to guide short-term energy forecasting for green ICT networks in smart grids

Hamid Malik and Ari T. Pouttu

 4. A Robust and Explainable Data-Driven Anomaly Detection Approach For Power Electronics

Alexander K Beattie, Pavol Mulinka, Subham Sahoo, Ioannis T. Christou, Charalampos Kalalas, Daniel Gutierrez Rojas and Pedro Henrique Juliano Nardelli

 5. Smart Home/Office Energy Management based on Individual Data Analysis through IoT Networks

Guang-Li Huang, Jinho Choi, Adnan Anwar, Seng W Loke and Arkady Zaslavsky

We are pleased to announce that the paper entitled “RSMA for Dual-Polarized Massive MIMO Networks: A SIC-Free Approach” received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), a flagship conference of the Communications Society. IEEE GLOBECOM was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 4-8 December 2022. The award-winning work was co-authored by Arthur S. de Sena, Pedro H. J. Nardelli, Daniel B. da Costa, Petar Popovski, Constantinos B. Papadias and Merouane Debbah.


More details can be found here:

FIREMAN researchers participated in the annual “Joint FIREMAN and ee-IoT virtual workshop” which took place virtually on May 14th.

In particular, the following FIREMAN presentations were given:

Additional information and all recorded presentations can be found in the webinar website: are also available on YouTube.

FIREMAN researchers participate in the “Joint FIREMAN and ee-IoT workshop” which takes place virtually on May 14th.

Download here the iCalendar with Zoom connection details.

Agenda at a glance (hours in EEST, GMT+3):

More information can be found in the webinar website:


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