FIREMAN is organizing a Special Session (SS) on Communication and Networking Algorithms for Cyber-Physical Systems in Industry 4.0, co-located with the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 2021 (PIMRC '21).

This is the second version of this SS after the successful completion of its first version at PIMRC '20 (detailed information can be found in link 1, link 2).

This SS's utmost goal is to strengthen the still weak link between specialists in communications and the actual industrial communication needs, indicating more efficient solutions.

Workshop Organizers:

  • Pedro H. J. Nardelli, LUT University, Finland
  • Nicola Marchetti, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


List of papers/technical presentations:

  • SMOKE - Solution for Monitoring of the IIoT KPIs and EventsP. Mulinka (CTTC), C. Kalalas (CTTC)M. Dzaferagic (TCD), I. MacAluso (TCD), D. Gutierres (LUT), P. Nardelli (LUT)and N. Marchetti (TCD) 
  • Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Computation Offloading for Industrial WearablesA. Ali (TUNI), O. Galinina (TUNI), J. Hosek (BUT)S. Andreev (TUNI) 
  • Age of Control Process for Real-Time Cyber Physical Control SystemB. Kizilkaya, G. Zhao, M. Imran (University of Glasgow) 
  • SOON: Social network of machines to schedule manufacturing in machine tools fleetH. Ghorbel, S. Carrino, F. Abdalla, J. Dreyer, I. Budinska, L. Barna-Iantovics, A. Gligor (SOON project: 
  • On the Relation between Control Performance and Age of Information in Industrial IoT SystemsPedro Maia de Sant Ana (Bosch/AAU), Nikolaj Marchenko (Bosch), Petar Popovski (AAU), Beatriz Soret (AAU) 
  • The Age of Datasets in Edge Machine LearningN. Pappas (LiU) and M. Kountouris (EURECOM) 
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