FIREMAN (Framework for the Identification of Rare Events via MAchine learning and IoT Networks) is a European research project funded under the CHIST-ERA scheme. FIREMAN aims to build an architecture with a strong interplay among several research areas, i.e., large-scale data acquisition, big data fusion and big data analytics, towards a highly-integrated cyber-physical system design at all data-processing levels.
The overall objective of FIREMAN is to design, develop and showcase a novel big-data based framework that encompasses all steps from sensing and data acquisition to statistical analysis and operational decisions, to accurately identify, detect, forecast and prevent rare events in a pre-determined industrial physical process.

Key Figures

FIREMAN has received funding from CHIST-ERA (call 2017) program through the following national foundations: Academy of Finland (n. 326270, n. 326301), Irish Research Council, and Spanish National foundation (PCI2019-103780).